
Origin of Reagan – Irish | Meaning – “little king”

Reagan Origin and Meaning

The name Reagan is both a boy’s name and a girl’s name of Irish origin meaning “little king”.

Top 10 interesting points on the name “Reagan”:

  1. Origin: The name Reagan is of Irish origin and is derived from the Irish surname O’Riagain, which means “descendant of Riagan,” a personal name meaning “little king.”
  2. Meaning: The name Reagan is often associated with qualities such as strength, courage, and leadership. It is also associated with the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan.
  3. Zodiac sign: Those born under the name Reagan are likely to be born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, which is associated with qualities such as independence, optimism, and adventure.
  4. Color: The color that is commonly associated with the name Reagan is purple, which is often seen as a symbol of creativity, imagination, and wisdom.
  5. Lucky number: The lucky number for those with the name Reagan is often considered to be 3, which is seen as a symbol of creativity, expression, and joy.
  6. Famous namesakes: The most famous person with the name Reagan is Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States. Other notable people with the name Reagan include actress Reagan Gomez-Preston and football player Reagan Maui’a.
  7. Variations of the name: There are many variations of the name Reagan, including Regan (an alternate spelling), Reghan (an Irish spelling), and Ragan (a surname).
  8. Popularity: The name Reagan has become increasingly popular in the United States over the past few decades. It was the 102nd most popular name for girls in the United States in 2020.
  9. Literary connections: The name Reagan is featured in several works of literature, such as Shakespeare’s King Lear, in which Regan is a character who is one of King Lear’s daughters.
  10. Mythology and folklore: While not specifically associated with any mythological or folkloric figures, the name Reagan is derived from the Irish surname O’Riagain, which is of Celtic origin and is associated with ancient Irish mythology and folklore.

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