
Origin of Maverick – American | Meaning – “independent, nonconformist”

Maverick Origin and Meaning

The name Maverick is both a boy’s name and a girl’s name of American origin meaning “independent, nonconformist”.

Top 10 interesting points on the name “Maverick”:

Origin: The name Maverick has American origins and was first used as a surname.

Meaning: The name Maverick means “independent” or “nonconformist.” It is often associated with someone who is unorthodox and unconventional.

Famous Namesakes: Maverick is a popular name in pop culture, with famous namesakes including actor Tom Cruise’s character in the movie “Top Gun” and the fictional character Maverick from the TV series “Maverick.”

Zodiac Sign: zodiac sign associated with the name Maverick is Leo.

Color: The color associated with the name Maverick is blue. Blue is often associated with peace and tranquility.

Lucky Number: The lucky number for the name Maverick is 5. This number is associated with adventure, independence, and freedom.

Popularity: The name Maverick is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, ranking as the 73rd most popular name for boys in 2021.

Nicknames: Common nicknames for the name Maverick include Mav and Rick.

Personality Traits: People with the name Maverick are often described as innovative, adventurous, and independent. They are unafraid to take risks and challenge the status quo.

Inspiration: The name Maverick can inspire parents to choose a name that is unique and represents their child’s individuality.

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