
Origin of Eliza – Hebrew | Meaning – “pledged to God”

Eliza Origin and Meaning

The name Eliza is girl’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “pledged to God”.

Top 10 interesting points on the name “Eliza”:

  1. Origin: The name “Eliza” is a modern variant of the name “Eliza” which is of Hebrew origin.
  2. Meaning: The name “Eliza” means “pledged to God” or “God is my oath.”
  3. Zodiac Sign: Those born under the name “E.liza” are likely to be Aries (March 21 – April 19), which is a fire sign known for being passionate and independent.
  4. Color: The color associated with the name “E.liza” is blue. Blue is often associated with tranquility, peace, and reliability.
  5. Lucky Number: The lucky number for the name “E.liza” is 7.
  6. Famous Namesakes: There have been many famous women throughout history with the name “Eliza,” including Eliza Doolittle from the musical “My Fair Lady,” Eliza Schuyler Hamilton (the wife of Alexander Hamilton), and Eliza Soane (the wife of architect Sir John Soane).
  7. Popularity: The name “Eliza” has been steadily increasing in popularity in the United States over the past few decades. In 2020, it was ranked as the 170th most popular girl’s name.
  8. Literary References: The name “Eliza” appears in several works of literature, including Charles Dickens’ “Great Expectations” and Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility.”
  9. Variants: “E.liza” is just one of several modern variations of the name “Eliza.” Other variants include “Elisa,” “Liza,” and “Elise.”
  10. Famous People with Similar Names: While not exactly the same, there have been many famous people with names similar to “E.liza,” including singer-songwriter Lizzo (Melissa Viviane Jefferson) and actress Eliza Coupe (Eliza Kate Coupe).

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